
The problem: I was developing a page in drupal to display a slideshow of views (with linkable content within the views). However, the default views slideshow behavior was to advance forward a slide on click, making the links within the views useless.

The solution: I first disabled the click to advance a slide with:

$(" #views_slideshow_cycle_teaser_section_case_studies-block ").click(function(event){
        console.log(event.type + "was prevented");

However, I quickly found that this also disabled the links within the views. After messing around with using preventDefault() versus return false and not getting anywhere I decided to go the hacky route: write new javascript to reimplement the function of the links. I played around with it a bit and found a quick way to restore the functionality. Essentially when any of the class site-link links are clicked, the it came from is grabbed and its innerHTML [ie the url] is grabbed and used to open a new webpage. Really simple and intuitive. Let me know if you have a "non-hacky" way of implementing this functionality! -Grant

    $(" .site-link ").click(function(event){
        var sitename =;;
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Grant Nicholas
