Featured Projects

  1. KinetiKloud
    A system to track the usage of exercise and rehabilitation equipment remotely.

    Technologies used:
    1. C programming: Arduino microcontroller interface.
    2. Ruby/Sinatra: Web app to display stats.
    3. BlueZ stack on Linux: Bluetooth.
  2. grantnicholas.io
    The website you are on right now.

    Technologies used:
    1. JavaScript: React.JS for the searchbar.
    2. HTML/CSS: Static website. Compiled using Jekyll.
    3. Python: Python to compile the data for React.
  3. Digital Bridge Solutions
    A fully responsive website designed to attract clients to the web development agency I was working at.

    Technologies used:
    1. PHP: Backend to serve information.
    2. JavaScript: Vanilla JS frontend to display information.
    3. HTML/CSS: Designed and created a fully responsive website.

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Grant Nicholas