I decided to make a modular searchbar for my website in React. React is really awesome because it bundles up frontend code into modular almost functional components that are very simple to reason about. If you are new to React this might not be very easy to read through so...

With spring comes spring cleaning! Cleaned up my blog as well as gave it a new frontend look that should look familar to those of you who use Medium. Like every web developer ever I almost rolled my own blogging platform with Ruby. I actually had half of it built...

Last week I wrote a simple program to calculate all the possible words one can produce out of a boggle game. The solution was a naive/brute force solution that required checking every possible board string against the dictionary to see if it is a valid word. A quick refresher on...

Boggle is one of those fun games I loved playing as a kid. And it also has a bunch of CS/MATH principles hidden beneath a seemingly simple game. For those of you who don't know what Boggle is it can be summed up in an image: Essentially you try to...

So every javascript developer should know the basics of how closures work. But often when programming with students in some of my classes I've noticed that people with little exposure to Javascipt or more functional languages do not know about this concept. So what are closures? According to Wikipedia: Closures...