Really quick terminal command to shrink large PDF files for sites with stubborn upload limits: convert -density 200x200 -quality 60 -compress jpeg input.pdf output.pdf Just change the quality to a lower number to reduce the filesize even more.

From the node project directory use the following command to launch mongodb with the path to the data directory: mongod --dbpath /path/to/data ie) mongod --dbpath ~/Desktop/nodeCIHL/data If there is an error about the address being in use check that mongod is not already active with sudo service mongodb stop mongod...

I wanted to make an array of elements on a page all have an event happen on click. I first tried: for(var i=0; i<array.length; i++){ jQuery(array[i]).click(function(){ coolEventGoesHere(); }); } I quickly ran into a common javascript error of trying to add click handlers in a loop. This stackoverflow post about...

The problem: I was developing a page in drupal to display a slideshow of views (with linkable content within the views). However, the default views slideshow behavior was to advance forward a slide on click, making the links within the views useless. The solution: I first disabled the click to...